I have to appologize I never did complete for the whole month of November everything that I am thankful for. Don't get me wrong! I am very grateful for the wonderful life that I am living and the many opportunities that I have to recognize the many great blessings in my life!
We had a great thanksgiving. Around 2pm we went to Jason's grandparents house and visited with all of the family. Unfortunately, we didn't stay very long. My family was having their thanksgiving dinner at 5:30pm and so we needed to get going around 4pm so that we could help with dinner and the good yummies. My mom always goes above and beyond in everything that she does! It was all very yummy! I am just so thankful for my family! It has become a tradition in my family over the past couple of years to stay up all night, thansgiving night and plan for BLACK FRIDAY! I love black friday! Unfortunately, with kids, a few of us didn't stick it out. I went to bed about 10pm and was up at 2:30am to prepare for the never ending shopping! My parents are wanting to the grand kids one of the power wheels for Christmas. Since, they had them on sale at Wal-Mart for $88 you couldn't beat that price! I had to try and hurry and be in line for one of those as soon as possible. I had dropped the kids of Jason's parents house at 3:30am (Jason had to work that morning) I just so happened to be the 2nd one in line for one! yay! They had the toys all spread out, so it was actually some what decent. There were a couple of ladies standing behind the 4 of us and kept threatening that they were going to take it out of our hands. Are you kidding me? Luckily enough, the 4 of us got ours. I went in to Black Friday with about 20 people to shop for and got all but 6! I did pretty good, even with every one and their dog shopping! Around 7am Jason calls me and says that his car won't start. Great! So, I drive back home, he uses my key and it works! Long story short, I had to drive him to work. After I was done shopping I hung out at Jason's parents house. The kids really do enjoy being with their grandparents and Jessica is down, so it is nice being with her and her kids. I waited until Jason was getting off of lunch. Around 1:15pm I still hadnt heard from him. He is suppose to be a lunch by now. Come to find out, the company brought pizza over. I could have been at home taking a nap! I was a little irritated with him! :) It was not really that busy at work, so they let him off at 2pm. The rest of the day we all slept. When we got home, we put the kids to bed, I fell asleep around 3pm and didn't wake up until 5pm when the kids woke me up!
I went and saw New Moon with my sisters and Jessice. Absolutely loved the movie! I really enjoyed the books and the movie kept me in awe the whole time! I seriously has to come home and start reading the Eclipse book just so I could prepare for the movie in June! So exciting! I told Jason that in a couple of years, my christmas present will be the complete series! I just can't wait!
On Saturday the 28th my whole family and I went into town to get our family pictures done. We had to be their by 9am. What were we thinking waiting till the last mintue! We really didn't tell what every one was wearing... We just had to wear Black, Maroon and Khaki. It serisously worked out so well. (pictures to come) All of the son in laws happened to wear a black button up shirt with khaki pants and my dad a maroon shirt with black slacks. Brady wore a pin stripe black suit with a maroon tie. He looked really handsome. My baby is not so baby anymore. I cant wait to see the pictures! Unfortunately, I guess it was too early for Brady to cooperate because he obviously didn't get the memo. He didn't want his picture taken! Hopefully we got a few good shots! I plan to use these pictures to send out Christmas Cards!
I consider today to be day 2 of being a stay at home mom! I am absolutely loving it. I think that I am actually happier. You are all probably thinking.. One day you will wish that you were still working! That may be the case but until then, it will be about my family 24/7! I just love it so much! It saddens me to know that I have missed out on so much with Brady and Emma as they are getting older. Brady is continueing to learn new words and trys really hard to say everything that you say. Emma is almost 8 months old and still really tiny! I just love being a mom!
We had planned to have Emma's surgery yesterday 12/2/2009. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Since I quit my job I had Presbyterian Heath Plan as my Primary insurance and Lovelace Salud as my secondary for the kids. I was not told to call Lovelace to make them my primary nor didn't I think to make the call. Dr. Cuadros is such a fine doctor that he really didn't want us to be stuck with a VERY HIGH bill so he said to call back when everything is in order. He said if we didn't have insurance it would cost us about $50,000! YIKES! Until Jason's company has open enrollment, I think in February, we will be ever grateful for medicaid. Because we already had a surgery date, once we get everything in order, we will call them to schedule a date and we will be on the priority list. I am thinking it will atleast be a month or so. I was actually bummed that it didn't happen yesterday. I even got so emotional, I cried! I am such a baby! But, everything happens for a reason. I am some what grateful they didn't do it because Emma has been sort of sick. They would have been ok with the surgery but everything happens for a reason.
Oh, when we were about to leave for Albuquerque for Emma's pre-op and ENT appt, I was trying to get Brady dressed and he tripped over my leg and hit his hard kind of hard. He finally calmed down, he was all dressed and decided to throw up every where. He of course wanted to be comforted so I got throw up on me. Thankfully my mom was there to help. He again throws up 4 different times before Lillie got there to take him for the day. I called Dr.Horn at the Ear, Nose and Throat specialists, I told them I was going to be running late. My appt was at 1145am and we didnt leave our house until 9:20am! They told us if we were not there on time, we could not be seen until 1pm. That wouldn't work because Dr. Cuadros was at 145pm on the other side of town. Luckily enough, we prayed before we left and Heavenly Father made it possible for us to be there with 10 minutes to spare. When Dr. Horn checked her ears, sure enough, the right side is clogged with ear wax and the left ear-the tubes are both pretty much shot. So, whenever we do the surgery, she will need to have tubes put in again.
Life has been pretty great! We have all of our Christmas Decorations put up. I decorated the inside of the house all by my self. Brady wanted to help, but with me holding me. Even though he is a tiny kid, he does get heavy. Brady thinks it is the coolest thing to see the tree lit. As Brady says, "WOW!" He is getting a little better at his colors. Although, he thinks every color is Blue! Brady also loves to watch any of the Santa movies. He has a mirror cling of Santa in his bedroom and he likes to carry it around saying,"Santa, Santa..." He loves every fake Santa but when we take him to the Santa in the mall. No thankyou! When he is not so close he is better! After a couple times of visiting with him, he slowly starts to warm up to him!
My sister Ashli and her fiance Daniel will be getting married in less than a month. There is so much to do in so little time! Luckily, this weekend is free! Next weekend the 12th is her Bridal Shower, the 19th-she is taking out her endowments at the temple, the 26th-Her Bachelorette Party and then the next weekend, the 2nd of January they will be sealed for all time and eternity in the Mesa, AZ temple.
This is what is going on in our life right now. We are all doing really good and couldn't be happier!
Mario Bros Birthday Party
1 day ago
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